What Does The Litter Robot 4 Solid Red Light Mean? Find Out Now!
If you’re a Litter-Robot 4 owner, you’ve probably seen the dreaded solid red light at some point. But don’t panic! A solid red light simply means that the Litter-Robot has detected a cat inside the globe and is waiting for the set wait time to complete before cycling for cleaning.
Here’s what you need to know:
- The wait time is typically 7 minutes, but you can adjust it in the settings.
- The red light will turn off and the Litter-Robot will cycle once the wait time is up.
- If the red light is still on after the wait time, there may be a problem with the sensor.
Here are some troubleshooting tips:
- Make sure there is nothing blocking the cat sensor.
- Try resetting the Litter-Robot.
- Contact Litter-Robot customer support.
With a little patience and troubleshooting, you should be able to get your Litter-Robot 4 back to working order in no time!
Read more: hat Does the Litter Robot 4 solid red light Mean? Find Out Now!